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Trying to Decide Between a Furnace and a Heat Pump?

Upgrading your Oak Ridge, NC, heating system can lower your energy bills and increase your home’s interior comfort. Here are some things you should know if you’re getting ready for a new heating system installation and deciding between a furnace and a heat pump.

Heat Pumps Work Well in Mild Climates

The first thing you need to know about ambient heat pumps is that they don’t generate heat; they transfer it. A heating pump gets heat from outside, even when it’s cold. However, that doesn’t mean they work well in frigid climates. They work better in mild climates like North Carolina’s, where the temperature doesn’t dip too much below freezing. Furnaces are a better choice for homes in cold climates. One exception to the rule is a geothermal system, which is installed below the frost line and not affected by outdoor air temperatures.

Furnaces Are Usually Quieter

All heating systems make noises when they turn on and off. So, you can’t expect whisper-quiet operation from either system. However, heating pumps have a reputation for making knocking and clicking sounds when the compressor powers up, shuts down, and circulates the refrigerant through the pump’s lines. While the noise isn’t too intrusive, it’s something to know before installation. Many first-time pump owners get concerned something’s wrong when they hear their new heating system make these noises.

Space Considerations

Furnaces take up a lot of space in your home. They need so much space because there must be at least 30 inches of clearance on all sides of the unit to meet manufacturer installation requirements and building codes. The clearance is necessary for fire safety purposes.

Heating pumps only need 24 inches of clearance around their outdoor unit. Since the inside air handler doesn’t generate heat or use combustible fuel sources, there’s no need for safety clearance.

There’s much to consider regarding heating system installation, which is why it’s always a good idea to speak with a pro. To find the right system for your home and budget, call Total Heating & Cooling, Inc.

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