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Symptoms of a Malfunctioning Furnace Heat Exchanger

The furnace at your Greensboro, NC, home uses a heat exchanger to supply heat throughout your house. If you have a malfunctioning heat exchanger, your heating system will experience performance issues. Even worse, it could jeopardize the health and safety of those in your household. The good news is that it never has to get to this point. Not when you know the signs of a problem and immediately call for professional furnace repairs.

Strange Smells and Sounds

The first thing you might notice when the heat exchanger goes bad is a foul odor. The odor is strong and smells like a high school science lab on dissection day because a bad exchanger emits an odor similar to formaldehyde. The odor isn’t only unpleasant; it’s potentially dangerous too.

When the heat exchanger cracks, you might also notice your furnace rattles at startup. Anytime you hear banging or popping sounds, you want to have the furnace checked out. It’s not unusual for furnaces to crack as the metal exchanger expands and contracts.

Visible Damage

It’s always a good plan to check your furnace for signs of damage before the heating season begins and even throughout the winter. What are you looking for: You want to keep an eye out for cracks and corrosion on any visible parts of the furnace.

In addition to visible damage, you also want to pay close attention to the flame’s appearance if your furnace is gas-powered. The flame, also called the pilot light, should always be a strong, steady blue. If the flame is weak or is yellow or orange, this might be a sign of a malfunctioning heat exchanger or another mechanical problem.

Why Prompt Heater Exchanger Repairs Are Necessary

You don’t want to mess around with a malfunctioning heat exchanger because it can leak carbon monoxide into the air. Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas that’s odorless and colorless. If you suspect your heat exchanger or any other part of your furnace is malfunctioning, call Total Heating & Cooling, Inc., immediately for emergency heating services.

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