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Summers are More Pleasant with a Whole-Home Dehumidifier

Would you like to make your Summerfield, NC, home more pleasant this summer? Indoor air quality products like a whole-home dehumidifier can do the job. Check out these three ways this system can help you feel cooler when outdoor temperatures heat up.

1. Improve Indoor Temperatures

When relative humidity levels rise above 50 percent, your home can feel hotter indoors. The indoor air becomes more saturated with water, making it difficult to cool down, even when the thermostat is set at a comfortable temperature. A dehumidifier removes moisture from the air, helping your body and AC equipment cool you down faster.

2. Improve Indoor Air Quality

Did you know microorganisms thrive in humid conditions? Fungi, bacteria and viruses caused by humid air can put you and your family at risk for certain illnesses. You might find breathing more difficult when it’s humid, especially if you have asthma or other respiratory conditions. Since most people spend considerable time indoors to escape the muggy North Carolina summers, you want breathable indoor air. Installing a whole-home dehumidifier helps you achieve this goal.

3. Lower Your Energy Bills

Higher summer temperatures do more than make you feel hot and sticky—they also cause your air conditioner to run more often. Part of an air conditioner’s job is to remove humidity. However, when your home’s indoor humidity levels rise above 50 percent, the air conditioner needs help removing the excess moisture. Whole-home dehumidifiers help air conditioners run more efficiently and can lower your energy bills as well as the temperature in the home.

Summer temperatures can make us miserable. Why not be comfortable in your home and improve the air quality at the same time? At Total Heating & Cooling, Inc., we can install a whole-home dehumidifier and help you find other indoor air quality products to suit your needs and budget. Contact us today!

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