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Annual Tune-Ups Extend Your AC System’s Life Expectancy

Warm weather is finally returning to Oak Ridge, NC, and the air conditioner will soon be called into service. This heavy-duty appliance will only perform optimally if you take good care of it. The best way to keep your home refreshingly cool this summer is with annual AC tune-ups.

Why Invest in Air Conditioning Maintenance?

Your AC system is a high-tech yet sturdy apparatus that can last for 15 years or more. The leading cause of air conditioner collapse is a lack of maintenance.

After an active season of use, grunge collects inside the unit. Left to itself, the sticky goo can interfere with mechanical performance. You might be feeling uncomfortable, and your electric bills could be going up. Grime causes blockages that can create leaks in your walls, start fires or otherwise damage your property.

What’s Involved in Annual AC Tune-ups?

AC tune-ups are performed by qualified service technicians who clean air conditioners inside and out. Besides ridding your system of grime, maintenance involves the following tasks:

  • Check, test, and calibrate all components
  • Lubricate all moving parts
  • Establish that the thermostat readings are accurate
  • Flush and remove blockages in the AC condensate drain
  • Measure the refrigerant level and check for leaks
  • Inspect the electrical system and tighten loose connections
  • Ensure that the controls are operating properly
  • Replace the air filter
  • Adjust the blower mechanism to deliver maximum airflow

Rewards of an AC Tune-up

Yearly air conditioning maintenance can increase energy efficiency by up to 15 percent. Your system will last longer, too. Tune-ups increase indoor comfort by optimizing airflow. The better the airflow, the cooler and more comfortable you’ll feel.

Call Total Heating & Cooling, Inc. to learn more about our comprehensive Greensboro HVAC services.

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